Phyton-27 + Lime Sulphur: Advice


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Buenos Aires, Argentina (South Hemis)
Hello Eveyone! I read multiple times in this forum that it is recommend as preventive to use a mix of Phyton-27 and Lime Sulphur.
My question is: how is possible? Since to use Phyton-27 it is recommended to dilute it with water with PH between 4.5 and 5.5, and Lime Sulphur is really alcaline?
It has to be applied foliar or in the soil? (i suppose foliar, because of the lime sulphur)
What time of the year?
is it also insecticide?
Which kind of trees is it adviced for?
How is this different from bordeaux mix? worse or better?

Also, I have available in my home these fungicides, and i would like to develop an schedule to prevent all type of diseases on my trees, can you suggest me how i can mix them/alternate, what time of the year and for which species?
Here in Argentina is not easy to get all these kinds of fungicides, but i did my best and i think i got the best of them:

Thiophanate Methyl
8-Hydroxyquinoline (Beltanol - Quinosol) (For what I read, one of the few that cures verticillium in Maples)
Lime Sulphur

Mostly my trees are: Pines, Junipers, Maples, Prunus, Elms.. So i would like to know when and which ones should be applying.
Also I would like to prevent bug diseases.. what should I do?

Thank you so much!
I have not heard specifically about mixing these two, although as you point out, it's basically bordeux mix so it probably would work well. I would probably apply them separately so that I could soil drench the deciduous and/or rotate them to reduce resistance and increase the active window. For whatever reason I haven't thought it necessary to drench evergreens and was concerned about possible negative affects on beneficial fungi. This may be unfounded though as I typically follow @Adair M 's advice and use thiophanate methyl when pine candles are growing.

I believe LS has some insecticidal value especially as a dormant spray. Just be careful as you obviously cannot spray at dormant spray concentrations on evergreens.

In terms of time of year I usually do lime sulfur as a dormant spray and phyton at bud break. LS (and Daconil) tends to leave an unattractive residue on leaves so I would prefer to use something simple like hydrogen peroxide, or bigger guns like Mancozeb (or Myclobutanil) if subsequent applications are required.

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