Man, that has a really nice base. Did you dig this out of the neighbors yard? It looks big. Not too tall but fat.
Send the tree to Fresno CA. care of: Al Keppler, and I will personaly have it fitted for a partridge. Getting it back may become a problem.......We have partridge boarers and it may need quaranteen for 20 or more years.
Don't know for sure but you're probably right. Maybe a Bradford?Very kewl!!! what kind of Pear is it? hard to tell from here but I would guess some kind of Calleryana ?
Some of the others still had small round fruit like a Bradford.Really looks more like a fruiting than a callery; by the more lance vs. spade shape of the leaves and how they appear on short spurs. A guess, but nice either way.
Here's a quick picture of the blooms I took this morning.
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This Spring's flowers. Happy first day of Spring!