I have a small Chinese Elm seiju (Ulmus parvifolia) that I recently purchased. According to the grower, it has never been outside (greenhose grown, probably rooted from a cutting). I have an inside place to overwinter the seedling, which is where it is now - for about a week, since arrival, but I am uncertain about whether it would be better for the plant to keep it inside, or on a shelf in the garage, or to place it outside. I am in zone 8 and we have already seen nighttime temps down to 30 degrees F. If outside, I would keep it on the ground in a slightly protected place.
My options are sunroom (Avg temp of 60-70 degrees F with soft undirect sunlight, garage (dark with temp down to a little above freezing), or outside in zone 8.
What shoud I do? Thanks for your advice.

My options are sunroom (Avg temp of 60-70 degrees F with soft undirect sunlight, garage (dark with temp down to a little above freezing), or outside in zone 8.
What shoud I do? Thanks for your advice.