Orion_metalhead - Celtis Africana - #1

I put the (11) seeds into a mason jar of water tonight. They all sank immediately.

Also prepped some seed trays for germination. I am going to try using some bagged organic wood pellet fuel as a top mulch for 5/11 seeds... the stuff expands and holds water well, so My thought is it would be a good option in place of sphagnum, all of which for me is completely frozen.

The (11) seeds came out of soak, and into six-pack seed trays. I placed a single seed in each cell. I covered all of the seeds with growing medium (perlite, turface, 8822 old soil) about 1/4" deep.

5 of the seeds I covered with a mulch of wood pellet fuel to maintain moisture as an experiment..

An extra tray was loaded with a bunch of old shimpaku juniper seeds of unknown viability.

The whole thing I loaded into a plastic box/container type thing to help maintain moisture levels and placed on a heating mat. Germination is expected in 15 - 30 days.


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Germination of (3) of these noticed today. I expect to see others within the next couple days. I went ahead and opened the side of the humidity chamber to help with airflow.

Cool! Celtis Africana is indigenous to South Africa, they are everywhere down here! Gardens, parks, empty pieces of land, pavements/sidewalks, cracks in walls, you name it! Anywhere a bird can poop!
As the seed packaging says we call them White Stinkwoods as the common name.
They also hybridise with Celtis sinensis, which is also just as widespread locally.
Sean, Im going to try and treat these like a tropical species, since they are native up into Ethiopia and other parts of africa that do not get cold winters.

Have you tried them at all? Any specimen you can share in the pinned main topic?
Maybe Ill treat a few as tropical and a few as temperate to see what kind of progress I can generate.
I generally agree. I think the "mulch" so to speak caused them mold over. That said, 4 is enough for me lol.
One of the reasons I specifically chose Africana was because they didnt require cold stratification. I figured it would be an immediate head start.

The ones requiring cold strat will go out early april.
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