In regards to the insecticidal soap- do I rinse with plain water? And then follow up with plain water? And do I apply soap to standing tree as is? (As in I do not remove it) any risk of blowback onto other trees? Will spiders just jump to new tree? Sorry- this was a pretty sentimental gift and I really don’t want them to die.
The soap should kill the mites, and not harm the tree or anything else the spray touches, apply as tree is & since you have a forest I'd spray all of the trees, the pot, the soil, underneath the canopy, sideways, upside down, everything. (you can't see them so spray to be safe) wait 15 mins or so and rinse off with plain old water. The soap can be made at home, I've been doing it for 20 years with no adverse affects. The one I posted below I don't rinse off, and I've never had a problem.
Courtesy of the Milwaukee Bonsai Society Newsletter.
Pour 1-2 tablespoons of original Dawn dishwashing detergent and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a gallon jug.
Slowly add water to fill the jug.
Pour part of this solution into a spray bottle and add 2 capfuls of rubbing alcohol.
Use immediately.
If there is any solution left in the spray bottle, add 2 more capfuls of alcohol the next time you want to spray your trees.
It seems that the contents of the gallon jug (soap and vegetable oil solution) can be stored for months without it going bad.
Spray on plants covering all leaf and stem surfaces.
You may have to spray from 3 - 4 times with intervals of 3 days.
Almost any kind of pest, including scale, can be eliminated using this solution.
It is not necessary to wash off the spray as no adverse reactions have been found.