Several things to think about when utilizing a piece in a display. I think Bill was referencing size...The tree size would need to be appropriate for the accent used. In this case I am guessing the piece to be 8-10" high. So how large would the tree need to be?
Another point would be what story you are trying to convey. With the Shi or Foo Dogs surrounding the piece, to me it indicates this is a depiction of a Chinese emperor. Are there any tales relating to the emperor and trees? I found this one below:
How Tea came to China
According to a Chinese legend, tea was discovered accidentally by emperor Shennung, 神農氏,
approximately 2737 years before Christ.
The emperor set up camp with his entourage in the shade of a large tree. the cook prepared a fire and a pot with boiling water over it. The heat of the fire brought some of the leaves of the long branches of the tree to dry out. Suddenly, a fierce wind got up and blew some of the leaves into the pot with boiling water. The water turned golden and a highly pleasant scent appeared. The emperor tried the drink and was delighted by the scent and delicious taste. Being immediately aware of the refreshing and invigorating effect, the emperor let out the sound
The last point is that this is ceramic, which would be a more informal material. Using a formal species such as a pine or evergreen may be difficult to a Deciduous, flowering or fruiting species of tree may better complement this particular accent piece....