Totally need to make a tree like this.Chapel Rock is a remnant of Cambrian age sandstone that was carved by Lake Nipissing high water some 3800 years ago. Continual erosion has carved the rock into the beautiful sculpture it is today. There once was an archway connecting the rock to the mainland. The arch collapsed in the 1940s. The lone white pine on Chapel Rock is estimated to be about 250 years old. Shingleton, MI.
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The roots reaching across
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White Pine Nebari
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This is only a few miles from my house. Know it well. There are gigantic tulip poplars in old growth areas just down the river from Mt. Vernon in the woods on Mason Neck, some much much older than the one at Mt.Vernon. They are very strong trees in growth and longevity, but their wood can be weak for structural woodwork as it tends to be porous.I believe I've posted this one before....
Mount Vernon, Virginia - This location was home to George Washington. He planted this tulip poplar himself back in 1785. Tulip poplars are known to be weak trees, and for this one to be still standing is impressive. The tree is massive!
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Cool link!There was a project in part driven by Virginia Tech to list as many of the Big Trees in Va. as possible. Reference worth noting, check out the list of photos and stats in the "big trees" directory. Lots of of odd and ancient trees to look at for inspiration--the Tulip Poplar down near Bedford is pretty amazing for its sheer bulk, also Swamp Black Tupelo trees--think BC is the only swamp tree that develops buttressing?...:
Don't think I'd spend a lot of time hanging out under than one.Just as the title says post a picture off a odd/strange tree and it's location.
Kings Landing Park, Maryland - The first brach is thick as a trunk and extends a good +50ft nearly horizontal.
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That's a weird one for sure!No clue how this tree ended up like this, but I've never seen one like it before, it's totally folded over on itself. It is still very much alive though.
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My guess is it got broken during a storm, but not severed, then eventually callused over the break.No clue how this tree ended up like this, but I've never seen one like it before, it's totally folded over on itself. It is still very much alive though.
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The tree has good handful of branches that look the same as that trunk interestingly enough.My guess is it got broken during a storm, but not severed, then eventually callused over the break.
That's a 1 in a million!
Dude, those are charcoal briquettes.This was taken at Ala moana Park in Hawaii
Someone in the recent past decided that this tree would make a great place to start a fire.
The tree is still alive and kicking.
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Dude, those are charcoal briquettes.
Someone tried to BBQ the tree!