Nurseries in LA

Ben in Kzoo

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Hello nuts
I might have time on Thursday morning to go check out a nursery or two, flying out of SNA
Any place you recommend?
Looking for shohin trident or JM
Thanks all
There's a couple bonsai nurseries in the San Fernando Valley, although that may be a bit far for you (?). They have some maples.
House of Bonsai in Lakewood is probably the closest place to SNA. I believe they have some Maples, but probably nothing too developed. Unfortunately, the other dedicated bonsai nurseries are going to be quite a drive from OC.
If you're in Cali, look for Junipers, collected, or cultivated, grafted, etc.

Stealing this list of L.A. area nurseries from Brian van Fleet post a while back:

Have a friend who lives here and went to Chikugoen on a visit and brought back some fantastic grafted junipers. Not cheap, but junipers like that are few and far between here in the eastern U.S.
Roy Nagatoshi might have something up in Sylmar. Fuji bonsai.

And I’m partial to California Bonsai Studio, too. Neither are close to orange county, but worth the drive if you can make it.
I was just at Upland Nursery in Orange (closer to SNA) and your post came to mind. Not a bonsai nursery (although they do have some beginner stuff), but they have a lot of named varieties of J. maple and a couple Tridents... I snagged some pics so you can get an idea if it's worth a trip:

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