No one freak out by the brutal cold that will be here in a few days


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Houston TX
I thought we will have a mild winter this year since we were able to wear shorts for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. Looks like Mother Nature didn't want us to forget her this year by saving all that cold for next week. This is the first time I see this forum stay so calm when temperature will be in the negative or low teens for most people. Sprinkler will be turned off and trees will be back in the shed and garage for a few days. We expect to see the low 20s for a few nights. Good luck everyone.
Cold isn't supposed to get to us until Monday, and to be honest, it isn't all that much colder than the cold we have already had. Average temp, year-to-date, has been 33.5 F when on a regular year the average temp would have been 39.4 F. So for the first 14 days of the month we are running a full 6 degrees below normal, every hour, every day. :(
Lows here predicted to 4-7 f three nights in a row.Relying on a friend with a garage for only one or two shohin satsukis. The rest are too large and too frozen into the mulch to move. Hoping the mulch and some snow covered blunts the worst cold.

It is what it is. Freaking out ain’t gonna. Change the weather or what I’ve done to get my trees ready for winter. I could run around trying to set up some jack leg heaters shelters etc but that risks doing more harm than good. I hope I don’t lose anything but if I it happens it won’t be because I didn’t do what I could do before the cold set in

First stiff winter we’ve had in years.
Worried? Yes and no... it will be the same crap weather we have had in the last 3 winters. I moved inside the garage the tropicals and the trees that I have lost to extreme cold weather (chojubai and luma) inside on the last mid 20's we had last week. I will be moving in the poms and cork oaks in Sunday before covering the rest of the trees with a large frost blanket.
I understand that lots of you are growing trees that aren't native to your climate, but I've never understood the alarm that precedes a cold snap. Trees live outdoors. They get cold. That's why they go dormant. That's how we get maple syrup.
I understand that lots of you are growing trees that aren't native to your climate, but I've never understood the alarm that precedes a cold snap. Trees live outdoors. They get cold. That's why they go dormant. That's how we get maple syrup.
Um. You haven’t been doing bonsai long enough then😁 Winters like this wear on you and can bring disappointment in the spring
I understand that lots of you are growing trees that aren't native to your climate, but I've never understood the alarm that precedes a cold snap. Trees live outdoors. They get cold. That's why they go dormant. That's how we get maple syrup.
Yes and now. Plants in pots mean roots get frozen at near-abient temps, whereas they normally sit much deeper in the soil and fine roots are much less exposed to deep frost... If a tree is not fully prepared, damage occurs fairly easily
Yep, this is why I’ve reduced my collection to pretty much just Rocky Mountain native species. We are supposed to get down to about -5F for a few nights in a row, but not worried at all. I don’t even bother with mulch. I just put them on the ground and shovel snow on the pots when it comes.

I have just a handful of non-natives that I bring into the garage during cold snaps. There are plenty of species that would be toast at -5F regardless of what kind of winter protection you try to give them.
We've had a much colder overall winter, and a LOT more snow cover. All is well in the cold greenhouse, I expect it to get below freezing a few times next week if the temps are -5 for a few days in a row, but the little heater keeps up pretty well even then as long as the wind isn't super strong. The reason I never worry even if the heater can't keep up is that the heat mats temper that air chill and the roots rarely freeze. Good luck to everyone with outside things, it's not for the weak of heart!
Well, it'll be below 0 F a few times next week and I'm ok with that... this is the time of year we should be getting the coldest weather of the winter 🤷‍♂️:p. Anyway, I'll be in Southern Cali next week dodging wild fires and black outs... exchanging one weather extreme for another, I guess.
Kentucky weather is a Rollercoaster ride always... the load of snow we got over a week ago is frozen enough that I can walk lightly on top of it and it holds my weight. I can't remember the last time snow has stayed in the ground more than a couple days honestly. Supposed to hit 0°F here tonight. 40's this weekend. All of my trees are living in nature's igloo for a bit longer I guess.
I keep reading about La Nina weather patterns and how we are supposed to be warmer than normal through April 2025.

Let me know when we are supposed to start seeing those warmer temps! far it was warmer in a El Nino

No freak out here, my cold frame keeps temperatures pretty moderate as its supposed to.
Even down into the 20s at night the last few weeks with highs during the day in the low to mid 30s, it was 30-35 in my cold frame. :cool:
I'll maybe keep the maples in the garage a few nights just to be cautious, but I think my conifers should all be fine, only expecting mid to high 20s here
Dormant tridents and palmatums won't care about those temps, fwiw. Expected temps lower than that and I'd provide some protection.
Dormant tridents and palmatums won't care about those temps, fwiw. Expected temps lower than that and I'd provide some protection.
Oh heck yeah, I might move the trident anyways, it's being weird and still has a few leaves at the very tips of branches, and one tiny little branch which seems to just have decided to stay awake all winter
What part of town are you in @namnhi? I'm next to Spring and coldest it predicted to get is next Tuesday night at 28 with possible snow! And monday night at 30. This is pretty much exactly the same as the cold that just passed.
I've never understood the alarm that precedes a cold snap.
Perhaps you should ask people why they are worried. There are a lot of experienced people here who have reason to fear these sudden deep cold snaps. It isn't people making it up :)
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