Newbie needs advice


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St. Louis, MO
After repotting and letting roots grow for two months in shade, with no Browning of needles, I placed in full sun as this plant likes, and started getting yellowing of the needles. Is this sun scorched? Any advice for this newbie is appreciated. 20170706_185109.jpg 20170617_141937.jpg 20170706_185103.jpg
Container suggests too few roots in small volume "Bonsai" pot when should be in ground or large container. Plant likely not getting enough H2O and food to foliage. Suggesting partial shade, foliar feeding couple times a week and make sure does not dry out. If possible H2O spray foliage twice daily;). Do NOT repot now.
Welcome to Crazy!

To little root to support the foliage, water, water, normal fertilizer but twice as often... Filtered Sun for a few weeks may help as well.


How big of a container was it in before?

I also think this tree was reduced too much, too fast and now can't support itself.
Thank you all for the responses and kind welcome!

Is there a recommendation that you all would have on fertilizer for this? I've been using Jobe's for evergreens, slow realease spikes, 13-3-4. Would I need more nitrogen or potassium for this purpose? Would it be beneficial to reduce some of the foliage now?

It was repotted this spring from a 2 gallon nursery container. I have an automatic water g system that waters it in the morning and afternoon. I have now placed it back in mostly shade with some filtered sunlight.
Don't kill your tree with kindness - it is a classic mistake of beginners (and I myself have been guilty of this).

Place the tree in shade, and don't do anything else. Don't prune, don't repot. Personally, I wouldn't fertilize until the tree recovers, since it appears that the tree has compromised roots. You can prune away the dead foliage AFTER the tree recovers once you know what is dead and what is simply stressed or shocked.
The tree is in really bad shape right now. Worry about it surviving, dont worry about fertilizer right now.

As Greg stated
Put the tree in shade until the foliage stops turning brown. Only then let it have some morning sun and afternoon shade.
Just water when the tree needs it. Do not let it dry out but dont let it be too wet either.
Do nothing else but watch it.

If it still looks like it is alive when winter comes, put it into an unheated garage or shed and protect it from the wind and extreme cold.
It will still need cold, below 40 degrees, but I would rather see it stay above freezing if possibel

Hopefully it pulls through.
Good luck
Thank you all very much for the advice. I'm sure I will have many more questions moving forward. I appreciate the very welcoming nature of this forum!
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