New World


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My Gingko Forest.....And Yes it pleases Me :D
These trees will grow into each other and set their limbs where they please.
I hope you like it.
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More of it!
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I'm glad you're happy with your creation, it is always satisfying to create a planting that pleases oneself. Can you please tell me where you purchased your trees?

I like the idea of your ginko forest. Unfortunate the creation does not speak to me at all, the reason for this is the trees are all the same. They are the same age, size and lack difference in character. As you well know I don't bother to count numbers of trunks or lust for that perfect triangle fussy stuff but I am afraid your forest as is will not develop much in intrest. Do you have a couple of slightley older specimens you can throw into the mix, or be willing to set a couple adside to grow out some? One thing I really like about forest is the story, having a father and mother tree here would really make this one feel good. It is very hard to make a solid forest design work when all the trees are the same size, this lesson I took to heart from Ron Martin. The solution if forced to work with trees like this is creative and clever landscaping, something in the landscaping to tell the story. A mossy path leading to a cave stone, or maybe a brook or river running through the middle of the forest group planting laced with some undergrowth/accent type plantings.

Looking at your trees again, a tray scape/saikei type of thing could really be played out here with the present material. Remembering your table of collected stones I know you have the supplies for this type of thing to. I would love to offer up some designs if you would be interested.
I'm glad you're happy with your creation, it is always satisfying to create a planting that pleases oneself. Can you please tell me where you purchased your trees?

It pleases me greatly :D .....And it does not have a front nor back and 12 trees ;) ...
Most of these were from picked them up on my first trip to Oklahoma.

I like the idea of your ginko forest. Unfortunate the creation does not speak to me at all, the reason for this is the trees are all the same. They are the same age, size and lack difference in character. As you well know I don't bother to count numbers of trunks or lust for that perfect triangle fussy stuff but I am afraid your forest as is will not develop much in intrest. Do you have a couple of slightley older specimens you can throw into the mix, or be willing to set a couple adside to grow out some? One thing I really like about forest is the story, having a father and mother tree here would really make this one feel good. It is very hard to make a solid forest design work when all the trees are the same size, this lesson I took to heart from Ron Martin. The solution if forced to work with trees like this is creative and clever landscaping, something in the landscaping to tell the story. A mossy path leading to a cave stone, or maybe a brook or river running through the middle of the forest group planting laced with some undergrowth/accent type plantings.

Looking at your trees again, a tray scape/saikei type of thing could really be played out here with the present material. Remembering your table of collected stones I know you have the supplies for this type of thing to. I would love to offer up some designs if you would be interested.

Go for it!
The name of this is "New World" and when I think in terms of a new world I see the young which to me represent the youngish trees and the foundation is the older rocks on the bed of lava (my mix) which have many colors and textures to show the birth of this new world....There were many rawks that I could have used but none caught the emotions that I was looking for with this one......Is it finished.....No...Will there be changes made....Yes....I do have older trees that could have been used in this as well but chose not to....
Wes, I respect your ideas and would love to see what your thoughts are in regards to this new forest. The same goes for most posters here....Bring on the virts, I welcome them for discussion.
Without a better background, it would be "virtually" (hehe) impossible to make a virt...
Not sarcastic at all but,Hmmm, isn't that how a forest grows, very innovative Mom:cool:

Sure, and a single tree grows the same way in nature, but such "non-styling" just doesn't work for bonsai. Simply letting branches grow where they will, without intervention, will lead only to a classical mess. If such inactivity and non-thought could lead to quality bonsai, all anyone would be doing is planting seedings in pots and letting them grow wild. We could toss out all the books on pruning, pinching, design, trunk chopping, wiring, etc....

A great bonsai will give the illusion of a tree that is untouched by human hands, but it is just an illusion.

I think you broke all of the rules ;)

I like what you've done, and Im interested in the developement of this piece...

When I see this piece I think of an area trying to recover after deforestation/fire. Each started their growth at about the same time...and each fighting for a spot. It seems to be a chaotic, cut throat race for survival...there are no rules (even number of trees, no front, all the same age) because in the race for survival there aren't any....In a normal forest this race has already been won. Most bonsai enthusiasts base their schema of how a group planting should look based upon an older forest. Thank you Irene for breaking this schema for me... One of the other threads talked about what species our country has to offer bonsai....I would like to think our culture has to offer/define the rules for group plantings like this... Brilliant!

I think a wise man once said, "Don't try to make your tree look like a bonsai, try to make your bonsai look like a tree" There are rules in nature that we try to replicate in bonsai...but some rules in bonsai are incomplete...Our rules for bonsai do not cover all of the processes that occur within nature. Isn't it our goal to get our trees to look as natural as possible? What's more natural than a forest recovering after a fire/deforestation?

Someone once asked about the term wabi-sabi....This is it!

In me it brings out the sadness of the destruction while, at the same time, realizing the battle for life these young trees are waging upon each other. In nature when you see this many new trees "racing" each other you know there will be only one or two of the twelve that will survive to live a long fruitful life...But at the same time you need to appriciate the lot of them for fighting.

oh well....Im probably just full of *^%* ...........and coffee.....
Sure, and a single tree grows the same way in nature, but such "non-styling" just doesn't work for bonsai. Simply letting branches grow where they will, without intervention, will lead only to a classical mess. If such inactivity and non-thought could lead to quality bonsai, all anyone would be doing is planting seedings in pots and letting them grow wild. We could toss out all the books on pruning, pinching, design, trunk chopping, wiring, etc....

A great bonsai will give the illusion of a tree that is untouched by human hands, but it is just an illusion.


hehe you're about as positive as a box of cathodes.... ;)
hehe you're about as positive as a box of cathodes.... ;)

Thanks for the personal critique.

I would welcome your thoughts and/or debate on my actual observations of the subject.

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I don't disagree with you Will, I was using the literal sense, a branch over a branch will create one less branch, eventually it will becomes a forest, not necessarilly good looking, and unless some intervention is made most likely not a good bonsai. Something tells me though that this won't sit idle to style itself for too long.
I dont think she means she's going to neglect the planting....I think she fully intends to clip/prune/pinch ect but for I understand it....she's planning on allowing them some free reign.

I honestly hope that you didnt intentionally misinterpret her intentions for an opportunity to make a condensending comment...

"If such inactivity and non-thought could lead to quality bonsai, all anyone would be doing is planting seedings in pots and letting them grow wild. We could toss out all the books on pruning, pinching, design, trunk chopping, wiring, etc...."

Maybe I dont understand your personality but I would have been offended.
I honestly hope that you didnt intentionally misinterpret her intentions for an opportunity to make a condensending comment...

Maybe I dont understand your personality but I would have been offended.

May I refer you to the first post made in this thread?

My Gingko Forest.....And Yes it pleases Me :D
These trees will grow into each other and set their limbs where they please.

I did not misinterpreted anything, intentionally or otherwise, I based by comments solely on what was said, nothing more nothing less. What are you basing yours on?

There were many rawks that I could have used but none caught the emotions that I was looking for with this one......Is it finished.....No...Will there be changes made....Yes....

I believe that the "changes" she was talking about includes pruning, clipping, ect.
I believe that the "changes" she was talking about includes pruning, clipping, ect.

Thanks for sharing your beliefs.

If you read back, you'll see that I wasn't responding to Irene's statement, "These trees will grow into each other and set their limbs where they please." I, in fact, was responding to BillS statement in response to hers, "....Hmmm, isn't that how a forest grows, very innovative." Please notice I quoted his words, not hers.

You said then, "I honestly hope that you didnt intentionally misinterpret her intentions for an opportunity to make a condensending comment..." and as you can see, I did not direct a comment to Irene at all, instead I took BillS statement and debated the merits of obtaining a bonsai by letting such grow wild as they would in nature.

My belief is that you made a incorrect assumption and then suggested, based on such, that I purposely misinterpreted "her" intentions to make a condescending comment. As you can see, nothing could be further from the truth.

Moving past this, I hope, I would welcome your thoughts and/or debate on my actual observations of the subject, namely that one can not create a decent bonsai by letting the material grow in any fashion it desires. Human intervention creates bonsai, nature creates trees.

2 posts up you quoted Irene....The 1st post you were undermining her work via Bills' post...I'm here, like most people, for help, guidance, and a forum to share ideas. Why are there so many negitive, condensending, passive aggressive comments plaguing these boards? I'm realitvely new here....but I've discovered that looking back at older posts for useful information is extremely painful because of all of this crap. Sorry I said anything....I've just gotten tired of it...Is anyone aware of any Bonsai boards that are less snarky, hateful, insulting, ect?
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