New volunteers this year need help with identification please


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Had three I haven't seen before, the first is scary fast, growing in a few weeks time to 5' and flowering pea type flowers light yellow spotted buds and yellow when they open. Now has long pods forming.


second one has a cloverleaf type, also fast growing and has fat short pods

Third one is tamest, nice small compound leaves
All those are in the Fabaceae family, the one with smaller leaftlets idk maybe Sesbania sericea or some Mimosa, the one with seed pods and trilobate leaf is probably a Crotalaria species, maybe Crotalaria longirostrata
All those are in the Fabaceae family, the one with smaller leaftlets idk maybe Sesbania sericea or some Mimosa, the one with seed pods and trilobate leaf is probably a Crotalaria species, maybe Crotalaria longirostrata
Thank you. I see the two large are annual/perennial now the growth makes sense.
First one looks like the bean plants we've been getting, Sesbania, they do grow bamboo fast. I know of one that has a 3-4" diameter trunk in less than 6 months.
If I didn't plant it or bring it in it's usually considered a weed.
Especially something fast growing like that.
Nothing but weeds grow that fast here.
If I didn't plant it or bring it in it's usually considered a weed.
Especially something fast growing like that.
Nothing but weeds grow that fast here.
I remember seeing this long-pod weed before now... I was at a doctor's office parking lot and went to pull off a pod, and the thing unzipped and sprayed seeds instead of coming off. Second time same thing, went brdddddt in my hand and I thought this was funny so I carefully removed some more so I could show everyone. Apparently some are not as thrilled with brddddt beans but one son took some in a bag to show his friends so it was worthwhile!
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