Trees need nitrogen to grow. A 0-10-10 is absolutely wrong. That fertilizer was developed for London, at the Royal Gardens at Kew. It was developed at a time when homes were heated with coal, and the smog season began in autumn. The rain washing through the smog supplied the gardens with an excess of nitrogen in the form of the various nitrous oxides that form in smog. This was the 1860s through the 1890s, it was a great formula at the time, because the air pollution provided all the nitrogen needed for the garden. Just add phosphorous and potassium and you have cabbages as big as your head. The recommendation to use a 0-10-10 was for autumn and winter, in spring you went back to a high nitrogen formulation, because the heating with coal season had ended.
Then London required the removal of the coal stoves for heating residences, by 1950 the "London Smog" was a thing of the past, and suddenly London vegetable gardens needed nitrogen fertilizers.
Unfortunately, because GARDENING BOOKS, do not require extensive research, and are for hobbyists, nobody bothered to look at current agricultural research. Every f***ing GARDENING book has repeated the same bad information over an over for 150 years, without ever going to primary sources for the current information on plant nutrition. Ask a farmer, he'll tell you he never using anything like a 0-10-10. Its just bad science.
I suggest you throw out your 0-10-10 and use either your 30-10-10 or your 24-8-16, year round. The other fertilizers are just bad science.