This tree was growing in the woods in my neighbors yard and he graciously allowed me to dig it up. This was two years ago and the tree was about 5 feet tall with two main trunks. I chopped both back to an appropriate spot with a nice leader branch. the taller of the two had a bit of die back but more growth has sprouted. The first year I dug it up, I put it into the pot you'll see in the pics. Later that year I put it in the ground to let it grow. This year about a year and a half after it was planted in the ground I dug it up and put it back in the same pot. I'm thinking of letting the tree go another year without pruning but and think of wiring some of the new growth into position. The root base needs a lot of work but the plant has the tendency to send new roots from cut points and I trimmed the roots considerably so I'm hoping that it sends out finer roots for me to work with. There is also an aerial type roots coming out of the trunk. I'm thinking of letting it stay as its a unique feature and I'm hoping it will get larger and start to create some flare. I'm not sure which side will be the front but I'm leaning towards the side with out the aerial root. The tree seems pretty hardy as when I first dug it out I did some large root chops, it did not have many fine roots, but when I dug it back up it had quite the root system. These pics are terrible quality but I hope they show when I'm talking about. I'm also not too sure about the species but from what ive seen on the internet I think I've got it.