New, and need some help.


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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Hi there,
I've recently started my first bonsai project. I started with a small Sawara False Cypress that I picked up at a small shop outside of my hometown; I would say it's about a year old, but I'm no expert so that may not be true. I have successfully trimmed the roots and repotted the little guy into a smaller bonsai pot about a week ago and it seems very happy, I believe I even see a few new little shoots. So my question is, how long should I wait before training/pruning the branches? I don't want to cause too much shock, but am eager to have it look more like a traditional bonsai.

TLDR: How long after repotting/root trimming should I wait before shaping/pruning the above ground portion?
Welcome! :)

First: could you up-date your profile with your location please? It's not to rob your cypress, it's to know in which kind of climate it lives...

but am eager to have it look more like a traditional bonsai.

Which is the main cause of tree's mortality :)

One solution though: get more trees ;)
Please update your profile so folks here can give you better guidance specific to your location.

Bonsai is a slow motion sport. Sometimes you don't do anything for years except water and fertilize.

Generally we only "insult" a tree once a year. By that we mean we only do one major aspect at a time / per year. If you repotted and did root work this spring, hold off any additional major work until next year and let the tree rest, recover and grow until next year.

There are always exceptions and like all aspects of bonsai it depends on numerous factors such as health of the tree, climate, stage of refinement etc.

Pictures help forum members with that as well.

Good luck.
Thank you so much for the quick replies! I have updated my location (canada, victoria, bc) and added a picture of the bonsai in question as my avatar.

I had kind of figured I would have to wait until next year, just hopeful to the contrary.
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