Neem Oil spray is not getting rid of mealybugs of Fukien Tea

Chris Frechette

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Austin, TX
My Fukien Tea is infested w/ lil white cottony things, I'm assuming mealybugs. I've sprayed numerous times w/ neem oil and it doesn't seem to be working. Should I hit it w/ a higher concentration and more often? Should I physically clean out all the lil cottony things and if so whats the best way to do that?
Can you 'knock them off'? If so, they are probably dead.
If not, try brushing them off with a cotton swab (Q-Tip) saturated with alcohol - live scale will come off.

So, when you spayed, you sprayed up onto the underside of the leaves as well as on top - right?

Did/do you also see any little foamy looking globs; stuff that might be eggs? Often times one spraying kills everything but eggs and a couple of weeks later the bugs are back because the eggs have hatched.

Lastly, you might try a systemic insecticide.
I tried to be pretty thorough w/ the spray and hit it from all angles. The lil while blobby things are at all the leave junctions. I'll try a try a q-tip next and continue to spray.


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I hate my Fukien Tea... My wonderful sister got it for me out of love so I have to keep it alive. She probably paid too much for it as well.
That said I've had success with Dawn and water spray every couple weeks and a garden hose when weather allows. Nasty sticky bastards...
Maybe I need to try systematic.
you will need something stronger than neem oil. Bayer Advanced NATRIA 706230 Insecticidal Soap works well!
I have a lavender star flower that became infested with whiteflies at the end of warm weather last fall. I tried everything--Garden Safe spray, dish soap in solution, even Sevin. Nothing stopped the little monsters from coming back. I finally wrapped the pot with saran wrap to keep the soil in, and put the tree in the kitchen sink. I used a toothbrush and the spray nozzle, and scrubbed the entire tree clean. Then neem oil every other day for two weeks, since I was told that if they lay eggs before you kill 'em, their progeny will be back before you know it. So far, so good. It suffered a considerable amount of leaf drop, but is now shooting new growth and forming numerous blossoms [which I can't help but think has to be a good sign.]
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