Need help with Serissa foetida


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Hello, I need help with my bonsai. The kind of tree is a Serissa foetida (Tree of a thousand stars). When I repotted it I soaked my tree for half an hour. Since repotting it’s leaves have dried out but none of them have fallen off and the soil turns bone dry everyday. I have been watering it everyday. It is in a window that gets a lot of sunshine almost all the time. I also have started fertilizing it already. I have wired it and it is not growing any new roots. I have a little pamphlet about my tree and I think I am doing everything right.
Dead, just hasn't fallen over yet. Next time, buy an easy tree for beginners, like a Fig or a Dwarf Schefflera. Then just bring it home and acclimate it to your situation. Nothing more. After a respectful period of proving you can keep it alive in its new home, do one and only one of the following: repot in the same vessel by refreshing the soil, or wiring the canopy. Generally speaking, only do major work on a tree while it is actively growing. Late spring and summer. Major work on a tree going to sleep in autumn sometimes results in the tree going to sleep and never waking up.
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