Need help with juniper repotting


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Central PA
I have a juniper procumbens nana, about 2-3 years old and I'm looking to repot it this autumn and I was wondering if it would be ok to put it in a noticeably larger pot so when it comes out of dormancy it will grow larger faster. Any feedback would be great. Thanks
I've been told otherwise and I've seen successful autumn repotting for junipers so I'm doing it when it's in its dormant state, I just need an answer to my pot question
In our area we found that to large of a pot creates a natural "moisture tray" and really makes things difficult if we leave them outdoors during rainy times. To large and we find ourselves moving them to much. Not saying do not do it but make sure you keep a close eye on the soil surface - to wet and they seem to die rather quickly even if the lower branches have plenty of air. All that said it is how it works for us ;)
Other than what Grimlore stated, I see no reason a larger pot wouldn't be fine but how much faster growth you'll get is questionable.
The fastest way to put growth on a tree is in the ground.

There is also no reason to get snippy with people trying to offer advice. You'll get a better response otherwise.
Doing it this fall will gain you very minimally, as the roots probably aren't going to grow much after that point. Also doing a repot now means overwintering at temps between 35 to 39 degrees optimally, as you don't want it to freeze this winter, and 60 inside is too high so you will need special conditions.

The dormant "autumn" I believe is actually the dead heat of summer, so you will need to make a decision soon. You don't have your zone up, but if you are less than zone 6 I would say wait till spring.

My other thought is you have seen it done is a little different than , I have done it. If you are comfortable with after care it's ok , if not wait.
If you are just going to slip pot into the ground or larger container without any root pruning, I don't see any problems with that.
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