Bonsai Buddy
Hi all! I just bought 1 gallon of Compare-N-Save systemic tree and shrub insect drench for my bonsais as I am beginning to have a bit of an adelgid infestation in a few of my trees. So far they have gotten into my mugo pine, lodgepole pine and bottlebrush. I sprayed my mugo and lodgepole pines with neem oil a couple of days ago and it seemed to help the lodgepole a bit but not the mugo. The mugo I just repotted a little over week or so ago in preparation for spring and because it was pretty pot bound, and then these strange bugs show up. Anyway I want to use the systemic insecticide above to knock them off hehe. The problem is this particular systemic product came with no such instructions for this sort of use... It has 1.47 percent imidacloprid, and the instructions say to use 1 oz per inch measured around the trunk at chest height in a gallon of water. So these instructions are obviously for good sized trees in the ground. I estimate that my fairly stout mugo pine would measure about 4.5-5 inches around the entire trunk but 5 oz of this stuff in a gallon seems like a lot for a bonsai. I'm thinking I should have bought the Bonide granular systemic which also has imidacloprid but less percentage 0.22 I believe. But this seemed like a better deal for the money, because the Bonide lasts 2 months per application and the Compare-N-Save drench lasts a year. Plus I thought the liquid drench would be safer for me as far as breathing it in because the granular looked sorta powdery. So I really do not know how much of this concentrate is safe for the tree to use. Does 5 ounces per gallon sound like a lot? I have never used this sort of insecticide, please help. Thanks very much in advance for any assistance!