NBF World Bonsai Day demo--Chase Rosade forest redesign


Spuds Moyogi
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Fairfax Va.
Just got this Facebook message from the National Bonsai Foundation about a pretty cool sounding free demonstration at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum on Saturday 1-3. Kato's book is a classic and should be in everyone's BOOK library. It predates the Internet, so you aren't going to find it there. The composition ideas in it are timeless...:

"World Bonsai Day is this Saturday! This event honors the memory of Mr. Saburo Kato, a bonsai master and founder of the World Bonsai Friendship Federation, who believed that bonsai has the power to unite people by acting as a bridge to international friendship and peace.
This year, museum staff and volunteers will be using design concepts from Saburo Kato’s book, "Forest, Rock Planting and Ezo Spruce Bonsai," to alter a bonsai forest donated to the museum by North American bonsai artist Chase Rosade.
This demonstration will take place in the Yuji Yoshimura Lecture and Demonstration Center from 1 - 3 pm.
What time does the vendor tent open on Saturday???
Why does the website make it impossible to find information???

Why you worried abput it when RockM got us covered! I was just thinking about how he always had this information...!

But too....be careful cuz when @lieuz went off with them boyz...he fell off the map! I think they kidnapped him or some shit! Lol!


I'm with that!

It's complicated. The show and sale are sponsored by the Potomac Bonsai Association, NOT the National Bonsai Foundation. That's why the show info is posted on the PBA site.

And Mr. Lieuz is doing a heck of a job at the Northern Va. club these days.

I'm headed up there early Sat. If the Caps win tonight, I'll be the one hung over and wearing a red Capitals hat. ROCK THE RED...
It's complicated. The show and sale are sponsored by the Potomac Bonsai Association, NOT the National Bonsai Foundation. That's why the show info is posted on the PBA site.

And Mr. Lieuz is doing a heck of a job at the Northern Va. club these days.

I'm headed up there early Sat. If the Caps win tonight, I'll be the one hung over and wearing a red Capitals hat. ROCK THE RED...
Gracias Senor, as they say in Takoma Park!
I wouldn't be surprised, but haven't heard those ones yet!
The commies and pinkos ;)in Takoma Park have been there a long time. The "People's Republic of Takoma Park" began long ago when the community was known for liberal activism...
Any Nuts planning to be there tomorrow? I took the day off and am going to try to get there around 10am.
Any Nuts planning to be there tomorrow? I took the day off and am going to try to get there around 10am.
Saturday morning for me too...
Gonna take a quick run thru, on a tight schedule...

Wasn't the Japanese Prime Minister in town today??? @rockm
I wonder if he brought any trees???
I'm thinking about making the drive Saturday morning. As much as I hate Northern VA, this sounds worth it.
don't know a thing about it, just found out right now. Can't look into it too hard I keep getting busted for posting at work.
My boss saw me posting the my last comment and said "is that your plant people thing?"
@rockm @VAFisher @just.wing.it @Velodog2 if any of you are able to take some shots of the sale area please throw em up here. I'd like to drive down tomorrow but it's a pretty hike for me, just want to make sure it's worth it
The sales area has generally been declining in recent years in quality and quantity of vendors. I wouldn’t make the trip just for that.
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@rockm @VAFisher @just.wing.it @Velodog2 if any of you are able to take some shots of the sale area please throw em up here. I'd like to drive down tomorrow but it's a pretty hike for me, just want to make sure it's worth it

If I go it will be tomorrow morning, but...

The sales area has generally been declining in recent years in quality and quantity of vendors. I wouldn’t make the trip just for that.

This makes me think I might not go. I was hoping to find a decent BC or hornbeam.
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Thanks, guys I actually meant to write that I was going on Sunday and @VAFisher No friggin' way! I was totally going to make the trip specifically for BC, hornbeam and hemlock

Also, just remembered I told my girlfriend I'd take her to lunch on sunday, gahhhh. Guess I'll write this one off
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