Name of Tree


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Hi ,

What is the name of the tree ? and is it good to work on it ?
Looks like Ligustrum or Sageretia. Actual photos of the leaves and branches will help.
Where are you located?
It doesn’t look healthy enough to work on.
Looks like Ligustrum or Sageretia. Actual photos of the leaves and branches will help.
Where are you located?
It doesn’t look healthy enough to work on.
Im living in Iran
So you mean its not good to work ?
Welcome to the site!

I agree with Brian. The small serrated leaves and the thin brittle branches makes me think of prunus. It reminds me of Prunus spinosa, or blackthorn. Does it have thorns?

Any tree can be made into a bonsai. Some trees are easier or more suitable than others because of their characteristics. Prunus bonsai are often kept because of their showy flowers in the spring. It will be interesting to see if your tree flowers!
Could be a Prunus of some variety, looking closer at the stems and leaves, but I am not familiar with the trees where yo7 are. If it’s entering dormancy, it could be perfectly healthy. Hopefully it is outside and is hardy in your climate.
Thanks Brian for you help ,
I keep it outside with temp about 20-25C in the morning and 10C in the night in this month

Welcome to the site!

I agree with Brian. The small serrated leaves and the thin brittle branches makes me think of prunus. It reminds me of Prunus spinosa, or blackthorn. Does it have thorns?

Any tree can be made into a bonsai. Some trees are easier or more suitable than others because of their characteristics. Prunus bonsai are often kept because of their showy flowers in the spring. It will be interesting to see if your tree flowers!

Yes its Prunus and it has sharp thorns , however, Is the style of tree good or not and can I form it in future ? and what style do you prefer for it ?
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