Naka's books


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Columbus, OH
I'm a little confused. I see books by John Naka entitled "Bonsai Techniques," "Bonsai Techniques I," and "Bonsai Techniques II." Is BT and BT1 the same thing...or does BT include both BT1 & BT2? Or does the BT1 & BT2 series replace and expand upon what's in BT (since I think that one was published first)?
Two books - Bonsai Techniques I & Bonsai Techniques II. BTI has a red cover, BTII has a gold cover. They are only available in softcover. If you look around, you can probably find an autographed copy, though they are getting rarer. Of course, someone may have recently released a compilation, but I am not aware of any such thing. The book would be 4" thick.
Okay, for anyone interested, I learned that BT was written first, as a stand-alone volume (green cover, at least the one I've seen). Years later BT2 was written and sold as a sequential set with BT retitled BT1. So...BT(green)=BT1(red).
Checking further... Bonsai Techniques was first printed in 1973. Bonsai Techniques II was released in 1982. At that time, Bonsai Techniques was renamed Bonsai Techniques I. I don't know what changes (if any) were made to Bonsai Techniques I when they changed the name (and cover). I have never seen a copy of Bonsai Techniques, so they must be relatively uncommon (given that they are now 35 years old).
I have never seen a copy of Bonsai Techniques, so they must be relatively uncommon (given that they are now 35 years old).

I have seen them on ebay from time to time selling for a small fortune
FWIW I prefer Deborah Koreshoff's "Bonsai its art ... and philosophy" circa 1984, over the Naka's. An explanation can be found here.

The Nakas are indeed a good set of volumes to have in ones library, but as a beginner you would be better served with Deborah's book.
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FWIW I prefer Deborah Koreshoff's "Bonsai its art ... and philosophy" circa 1984, over the Naka's. An explanation can be found here.

The Nakas are indeed a good set of volumes to have in ones library, but as a beginner you would be better served with Deborah's book.
I got Koreshoff's book last year and have learned a huge amount from it. Naka's books are rounding out my collection. =)
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Not that it needs to be said but I just like saying it!
I have a signed hard cover of Deborah's book.:p

I feel proud that a little ol Aussie can write a book of such quality that it is stated as being the best book writen in the western world on the subject:D

Now all I need is one of her trees
I feel proud that a little ol Aussie can write a book of such quality that it is stated as being the best book writen in the western world on the subject

Mmmmm, well Brett thats one hell of a statement. I have never read Deborah Koreshoff's book and you have peaked my curiosity. I will have to purchase it and give it a read. I assume with an endorsement that it is "the best book written in the western world" that you'll have no problem reimbursing me the cost if its not. ;)
Mmmmm, well Brett thats one hell of a statement. I have never read Deborah Koreshoff's book and you have peaked my curiosity. I will have to purchase it and give it a read. I assume with an endorsement that it is "the best book written in the western world" that you'll have no problem reimbursing me the cost if its not. ;)

It's pretty good Tom, I'll bring my copy to the next get together so you can take a look.
Thanks Ian I might have been in trouble there. Tom has a habit of disagreeing with me;)

I was actually loosley quoting Rick Moquin in his review that he already linked in this thread

Some might disagree with me on this one, but I believe it is, without a doubt, the best-written book on the subject.
This is not the first statement I have read to this fact.
I limited it's grandness to the western world as I have no knowledge of books writen by eastern masters.
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... although that particular review is dated, I still stand by my comments today and fully endorse Deborah's book.

... and yes Tom I would provide you with a refund :)
Thanks Ian I might have been in trouble there.

Shoot Ian, thats no fun! I wanted to see Brett sweat for a while :D

Tom has a habit of disagreeing with me

I look at it has giving a different point of view for you to consider ..... the right one;)
Its all good
Sorry Tom, didn't mean to get in the way:p I can't say its better than the Naka books as I've never read them - so I might snag your copy while I'm there.

Soil sifting/washing day today.....yippee.
Interesting pattern emerging here I think. Seems non US enthusiasts were intially influenced by the likes of Deborah Koreshoff's book and then Naka's book, later if at all. Where US enthusiasts seem to intially be influenced by Naka then some other source.

Is there a pattern here, or am I reading to much into this?
That's because I believe that originally Deborah's book was not available outside of Australia, or had to be acquired from... but I could be wrong.
I have no idea if Deborah's book was always available outside of Australia but I am sure she intended it to be as she included Northern hemisphere as well as Southern hemisphere(Dates, Seasons) information when talking about the right timing to do certain work on trees.
Such a simple thing that makes so much difference in the reading
I reckon Deb like me became somewhat annoyed that publishers that have a global market still to this day don't take this simple step to make our reading in the south so much easier.
I have no idea if Deborah's book was always available outside of Australia but I am sure she intended it to be as she included Northern hemisphere as well as Southern hemisphere(Dates, Seasons) information when talking about the right timing to do certain work on trees.
I think another important point that we may perhaps be missing, in the earlier days these forums did not exist to exchange this information, as the internet didn't exist.

Yes I found the comparative chart a nice addition, but let's face it when someone says spring, spring is spring, regardless of the hemisphere. OTOH, when talking live (forums) our friends of the South are heading into autumn, whilst we are heading into spring.
Yes some might say spring or even early spring or late spring.
But what about when they say August or April and you must stop and think (in my case I often just grumble and keep reading) were is this book/magazine writen for and what season does that make this month they state. :mad:
My most recent memory of this is the Bonsai Focus Magazines but it often happens in all the printed media.
I find it impossible to work out in some instances as often I don't know were the author lives of certain articles in magazines.
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