My visit to my uncles house in Puerto Rico

Thank you and Yes they are, there are another 45 to 50 I didn’t even take pictures of. There was one I fell in love with and forgot to take pictures of it. I will see if he will send me the name and a few pics so I can share them. I would have loved to take one home with me but every time I do they just die in 6 months or less. All these tree are in real heat and mostly full sun and never go dormant. So after years of trying I just gave up. Even the ficus trees just die.
Nice trees! I still have family there....distant but still family. I have a great uncle that told me to come over and visit. It's easier said than done.
Nice trees! I still have family there....distant but still family. I have a great uncle that told me to come over and visit. It's easier said than done.
Well I go every year as most of my family lives there including my grandfather who will be 102 this September.
Nice collection ...No one noticed that the huge mansion has an ocean view o_Oo_Oo_O
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