My small Bougainvillea


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Izmir, Turkey
Hi guys.
Last week i got this bougainvillea from a nursary. I made some little cuts, tried to keep its natural shape. Do you have any ideas


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Keep Growing!

I like that trunk.

Get them branches on it!

If possible get it in some new soil to help those branches that Sorce mentioned to grow faster and healthier. Don't over water this guy. They will do better a little drier.
These guys prefer to be root bound. You will get your best out of the tree when they are. Best flowering and such. Great character with that Shari/scar on the trunk. Bougain fertilizer is what most with bougainvillea use. I pick mine up off of Amazon. Heard some Lowes/Home depots offer it. But none near me.

Repot during the warmest season for you...I live in the north. That puts me end of June early July. But...if you see it declining repotting then is a must. In less organic soil. Mine has a bit of organic to the mix. But not overly organic.
These guys prefer to be root bound.

Understatement - Sam has a large one in Hawaii that is strapped in a pot with no soil, just packed with roots :eek: That Orange one we have is very vigorous and root bound. Strangely it looks to be in nothing but peat moss as grown in Georgia. I skipped the special fertilizer and just use the Jack's with no problems. It has needed three more cutbacks since we chopped it from 4 foot in the Fall to 8 inches and brought inside, again it has gone to 28 inches or more and requires another cutback.

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