My Pitoon Pot is Here!


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Roswell, GA
Hi everyone, I just received my Pitoon pot yesterday and all I can say is wow. I'm really impressed with the packaging - it was bomb-proof. I wish more potters would double box and use proper packing material. I've been lucky over the years that I've only received a few damaged pots in the mail, but I'm constantly horrified at the packing jobs. I can tell Pitoon cares about his pots considering how carefully they're wrapped.

Now I suppose I could just post pictures of the pot and say how awesome it is, but Pitoon already took better pictures than I can in the sale thread. What's impressive to me was the experience of unboxing the pot. I knew it came with a box, but unwrapping it and sliding open the door to find a maroon stamped cloth tied around the pot was over the top.


Again, I really like that the pot was padded inside the box to keep it from shifting around in transit. And unwrapped.

Look at that meticulous glazing around the bottom! 😍 No drips, runs, or sloppy application. The glaze line is crisp around the feet - again really nice attention to detail, which is extra challenging with such a small pot.

I especially love this pot because I think it will take on a really unique patina with use. All the little pinholes will collect "stuff" and add to the pot's character over time. I'm not positive what I'm going to plant in it, but for now I'll probably seed some corsican mint in it. It looks so nice in its box, but I think it deserves to be used.

It's really difficult to believe that this is Pitoon's FIRST firing. It's mind-blowing actually. Having tried my hand at making pots, I understand how difficult it can be. Given the fact that this pot is so small, I'm even more impressed with the attention to detail. The box, the cloth, all of it. Yes, the pot was expensive by mame pot standards. BUT, I think it's worth it considering the care and craftsmanship that goes into each little pot. Personally, I think it's an honor to own pots from any potter's first firing.

@Pitoon I hope my little write up did your pot justice. My pictures were a little hasty since I was losing daylight, but I didn't want to wait to open it. I really hope you keep slinging clay. You've set the bar high right out of the gate, so I can't wait to see what you do in future firings. This won't be the last pot I pick up from you, that's for sure. Cheers!
@thams that you for the write up and feedback it's much appreciated. I'm happy, that you're happy! I'm curious to see what comes out of Batch #2. It took about 4 months to get Batch #1 done from start to finish. Batch #2 should have a lot more unglazed pots of the dark clay body, these will really get to show the details.

I'm glad the package survived the postal system! There's one thing that really irritates me and that's to have damaged packages arrive and the contents broken inside.

I'm really looking forward in seeing what grows in it! I think something with small pink or red flowers would look really nice.

Thanks again!

That's a really nice pot the presentation, handmade box and attention to detail are excellent. The glaze reminds me of/gives me the feeling of the sea, kind like coral or barncles very organic. Just realised that you mentioned this is @Pitoon first run that has blown my mind just awesome work.
That's a really nice pot the presentation, handmade box and attention to detail are excellent. The glaze reminds me of/gives me the feeling of the sea, kind like coral or barncles very organic. Just realised that you mentioned this is @Pitoon first run that has blown my mind just awesome work.
@Lutonian Thanks for the kind words!
Well done from start to finish.
I never really had plans to train any mame, but now I think I will work on a few so I will need a pot, and I know where to look first for a really small one.
Well done from start to finish.
I never really had plans to train any mame, but now I think I will work on a few so I will need a pot, and I know where to look first for a really small one.
@Crawforde thanks for the kind words.

If you want a fun challenge you should try mame bonsai.
@thams that you for the write up and feedback it's much appreciated. I'm happy, that you're happy! I'm curious to see what comes out of Batch #2. It took about 4 months to get Batch #1 done from start to finish. Batch #2 should have a lot more unglazed pots of the dark clay body, these will really get to show the details.

I'm glad the package survived the postal system! There's one thing that really irritates me and that's to have damaged packages arrive and the contents broken inside.

I'm really looking forward in seeing what grows in it! I think something with small pink or red flowers would look really nice.

Thanks again!

Yes please on more unglazed pots. I'm partial to the unglazed drums and cascade pots from your first batch. The proportions hit all the right notes for me.

Also, I found some micro-thyme at a garden center yesterday that I might try to squeeze into the pot. I think it would look nice with the foliage cascading over the lip of the pot. I'll post pics once I have it all planted up.
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