My Fukien Tea Tree has been invaded!


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Help! I don't know if I'm doing this correctly, but my Fukien Tea Tree has been overcome (I'm really hoping not fatally) with what looks like black soot. All the leaves became covered in short order, and I used water, then insecticidal soap. I tried to get it all off. And then I tried neem oil. The bark is still green. I took it out of its pot and rinsed the roots lightly and the leaves are almost entirely dried out.
I'm hoping that perhaps, if I can keep the roots viable, perhaps new growth will emerge. I don't really know the best potting medium for this Tree. What it was in was fairly light when it was dry. I initially tried it in potting soil, which was wet. It was like heavy mud, and I didn't think the delicate roots would survive in that. I'm really not sure what to think, or do. So, help! Any answers will be very appreciated.
It will probably be fine.

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Get some other trees. Fukien tea trees will make you Fukien crazy.
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