My Display at the 2024 Winter Silhouette Show


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I recently received the photographs taken by Mr. Joe Noga! It is a very kind and generous act for him to photograph, process and share the results with all of the exhibitors. Due to the depth of this composition, Joe did what he termed Focus stacking. This process allowed for perfiect focusing all the way through the image. If you missed the ant intruder when view in person, it is clearly visible in most of these photos.

GEANANGEL 7-2 copy.jpgGEANANGEL 7 copy1.jpg
GEANANGEI-foccus stacking 1 copy.jpg
GEANANGEL-focus sdtacking 2 copy 2.jpg
That's a very creative, impressive display! I think I would still prefer a more thinned out canopy, but it's impressive as is.
You had to see this to fully appreciate it. It is a large display. I happened to be there very early Saturday morning and saw the sun coming in through the front glass door and illuminating this composition. Steve Z. and I were the only ones there and I felt I was very fortunate to have this experience.
I'm extremely glad you didn't go with the gravel idea and went with the super minimalist piece of fence. It was a perfect hint to the grove asthetic without taking anything away from the trees. The depth of the composition was great to witness in person.
I've never seen a bonsai like this before. I love it! 😍

I can imagine myself walking down that road (my driveway) on a chilly morning to get my mail.

Really, really cool.
Thanks…that’s a real compliment to my thinking!
Absolutely love this. Perfectly executed rendition of a view just about everybody's seen once in their lives. Such a unique take that's given me a lot of inspiration.
I really enjoyed seeing this composition. You have a singular way of sharing your art. I'm so happy this was chosen to be in the opening welcome spot, it was a totally perfect display to walk in and be wowed by. I only wish I could have seen the sunrise on it that @penumbra saw, it must have been spectacular.
This bonsai design really caught my eye @johng

It is eerily reminiscent of an an image we use as part of the focal point section of the elements of design presentation.


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