This fig was collected about 11/2 months ago. It was in a big basket because of all the roots it had. I dont remember how tall it was, but it got chopped right after getting yanked out of its host. So last night my buddy and I decided to pot some collected trees. This one still has lots of roots, fine ones that feed the aireals, and from the trunk. Plenty to survive. So we kinda shoehorned it into this pot, which is the only kind I can find here. Plastic $2.00 crap. But theyre bonsai size and at least get the trees trained to live in the tight conditions. This tree obviously needs tons of help. I want to keep it a banyan style and leave the trunk at that angle since theyre natural and I think theyre ok. It has movement it whole length and back and forth, a nice start I hope. These backbud pretty well and I hope to get growth from the cut at the top for a leader. Or I could cut it just above a branch. I only left 2 branches so it should bud back all over the trunk pretty quickly. My idea is branches starting in the middle or so and grow them and an apex. Or I could make a raft type with braches from the whole length of the trunk. So what do y'all think? Ideas to help it or desighn ideas? I may as well cut off new buds where I dont want branches. In two months it should have tons to choose from. Or I could let low ones grow and resrict the uppers so it gets some taper started. Its standing on cut roots that are thick like the ones at the base. What sounds better? Im sure some wouldn't bother. But its what I can get, free, and I think its ok to learn from. To me its one of the better examples Ive found so far of the types I find. I like the roots but am conflicted about the thicker ones from so high. The smaller ones I like and will encourage by spraying and maybe moss and plastic.