WNC Bonsai
Ok, I have a couple Chinese quince that need fattening up and it isn’t happening fast enough in their pots so I am thinking of sticking them in the ground for a few years. These are 2 or 3 year old saplings that I got last year and have them grownig in a coarse bonsai mix. My question is if I move them to the ground would it be better to wait until next spring or can I do it this fall? Also should they be bare rooted and placed i the native soil or just left in the bonsai mx? My thoughts would be to do it this fall so the roots can recover and be ready for a big push next spring and to bare root them at that time, placing a tile under them. Another option would be to move them into a grow box with the same bonsai mix they are already in. That approach might mean less disturbance and give me agrester control. The floor is open to your comments, thanks.