Moving everything indoors for the fall/winter...


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Rochester , NY (Zone 6a)
Its finally that time where the weather dips down below 35 degrees on average every night. So i decided to move everything indoors for now. slightly. There in a small room right before entering out main door into the house, its enclosed with windows for plenty of morning and early afternoon sun. I can control the temp by cracking some windows but it stays pretty cool in there for the most part. And just decided to snap a few pics of what i have here in my early beginning stages. And something to look back at and compare whats been going on over the years and what not.


The first two pictures i have are azaleas of some sort i picked up from home depot for $7 for both. sale plus im a contractor through them and basically waited till it was way marked down. The one on the left in the brown pot was actually all one piece when i received it. It was way to much of a cluttered mess so i took the time to kinda unwind it and eventually actually cutting the root ball in half as it was my only way to untangle the mess. And i decided to place them side by side in a larger pot to help them grow larger and i see a future style with it. i kinda like the almost symmetrical look of one swept to the left and the other to the right, as time goes i may individually pot them but who knows


The second azalea is the one all the way to the right in the grey pot. It was near dead when i bought it and just stray branches everywhere. After a few trims and wire work i got it to where it is now, i like the look so far without much effort, i just want to let it continue to grow and thicken up. the trunk and roots come out nicely on top but i still have them buried to promote growth. or at least i hope that helps.


On the top in front of the window i have a boxwood i received as a gift. Had it over a year. Growing extremely slow. Looks a lot different from when i first got it. It was just a straight up and down plant it took some time to get it to the shape it is now. I just don't know what to do with these long bare branches. Ill need some advice on that in the spring im sure. up on that shelf are also a small ginseng ficus, funny story i seen a kid rip a small branch off a plant in home depot and it only had two leaves on it and about 1 inch stem and i decided to pick it up and bring it home to see if i can use it as a cutting, and sure enough in a small pot of perlite and about 20% very sandy soil and it grew to what it is now and has substantial root growth. ill move that indoors when winter comes most likely


Then i have in the middle a brush cherry. not sure how old it is but its coming along nicely, I was going to do one more trimming before i just let it be for a bit but im not sure if it would be wise at this point in the season. So as of now im going to just let it grow out and thicken up hopefully. I also have in the small blue pot next to it some cuttings from the brush cherry that have rooted and just placed them in there as a why not kinda idea and start a mini forest of some sort. not really sure but ill let them grow and see what happens


But anyways those are my plants lol nothing special or old like i said just starting here and enjoy taking care of them and watching them grow and change with time. No longer can i sit on the back deck and take care of them so its kinda like a short farewell till the spring. At least i get to see them every day before i walk in the door.
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