Montpelier Hard Cut or Layer HELP


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Hi All,
I have this Montpellier maple. Id like to get rid of the long branches and make the nice trunk into a bonsai (obviously).
Im in the UK.
Do i hard chop now before buds break, or later in the year before second flush. Ive had varying advice from non specliasts when asked.
Ive also the opportunity to air layer, but understand this can take a loonnggg time with a montpelier. Is this true, when theyre so related to field maple?

Appriciate any advice. Thanks all x


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I prefer to chop my maples mid to late summer after they have had a chance to pick up vigor and energy from the whole plant's growth through the first flush, so it can better respond to the chop. That also gives the tree enought time/growth to get the callous rolling before the fall. I have only applied that to Japanese and trident maples.
@Shibui an old comment said you were a maple pro. Do you work with this species ever? Thanks
You would get varied advice, because this isnt a Japanese maple, its more like a Field maple and they're as tough as old boots.
I’ve had Montpellier maples, and they are slow growers, they are a single flush tree, or at least mine were. So think on that when you plan your pruning.
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