Eric Schrader
I've been trying to move along some of my Monterey Cypresses in the last couple months. Spent some free time over the last few days wiring this one. More photos etc on my blog.
What soil medium did you use? What is the age estimate of the tree pictured? It looks great btw.
Thank you. Such a cool tree, such a great job you've done. I have fifteen little ones that I started a couple of years ago. The foliage is just starting to change, pretty exciting. I have a couple of questions, how tall did you let it get before you cut it back? And how much of the base flair do you attribute to it being planted on a board for a couple of years?Here you go. This was in February. It's been slow growth since then so not much change, I think this is the most recent pic I have on hand.
Check out the "An appreciation for cypress" post on my blog, the two bonsai at the end are his trees:
No, but I'd consider paying to play a round just so I could not get hit in the head with a golf ball while wandering around the courses in Monterey looking at the old cypress. The images were all taken from the road along 17 mile drive or at Point Lobos. There are a few very nice trees here in San Francisco, but none quite as good as the ones at Point Lobos.You a golfer? some of the pics look like Bayonet [& Black Horse] favorite courses in that area.