Monster cork bark elm update


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St. Paul Minnesota
This is my cork elm from Evergreen Gardenworks. I repotted this spring into a more rigid container. You can see where the tree is going, it will take a few years for the branches to get thick enough for it to look right. I think it will eventually end up in an unglazed pot similar in shape and size to the one it is in now. This is a 16 inch training pot so you get and idea of how massive the trunk is. The tree is planted high in the pot on purpose to keep away any rot while I push the growth. Second pic is the planting angle I like. Thumbs up to Brent for growing this stock.


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Treezilla!!! woof, that's a big tree. Wonder what it weighs??? big fun to be had there...
That looks awesome!!! I like it. Must have cost a fortune.
Very nice elm. Have a friend here who bought one of these from Brent. Pics simply don't do them justice. The trunks are spectacular.
You are both right. The prices on these elms are very reasonable and the pics just don't do them justice. Brent did all the hard work and all i have to do is put some window dressing on the trunk. This tree reminds me if a sumo wrestler, squat and powerful. I will probably be spending a bit of cash on a good pot for it. Any thoughts ?
Great tree! I don't remember seeing that one on his website, but that is fantastic. I have one of his specimen seijus that I'm working on at the moment. Brent is first class in trees and customer service.
Great tree! Often wondered how those big elms on his website look with some leaves.
If you to to Brent's website he says he will be digging and selling some more of these elms this spring. I only paid $600 for this tree.
What a powerful tree with bark to die for! Nice! And that is a very reasonable price for such a well grown tree. Thanks for posting Dave!
What a powerful trunk! I think you got it for a steal.

I need to start growing this variety- awesome!
Sure. Here it is in an unglazed pot I had that was about the same size as the training pot. Planted high to keep the base dry. All of my elms were repotted this spring into a mix with bigger particles, everything screened, for better aeration. We have had the wettest cloudiest spring in memory but no black spot ! No scale either ! The growth is good considering how late everything budded. In a few weeks this tree will get a wire job with the lowest branches being set more horizontally. Nothing will be cut back for now so the branches can thicken. How big is this tree ? The pot is 18 inches wide.

Awesome ! !
I am going outside to mine in the ground and going ahead and NOT cutting them back!
This is one of the best and most impressive elms that I have seen! This is true exhibition quality.

What are the winters like in your area? What do you do for this tree in winter? Generally, the more rough the bark, the more cold tolerant an elm is. Also, does this particular tree just lose most of it's leaves in winter or shed them all?

All my trees are stored in an attached unheated insulated garage. Temps between 25-35 degrees. I wouldn't dare leave a tree outside in my weather. All of my elms lose all their leaves by December 1st or so.
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