Does anyone know where I can get plans to build monkey poles for my bonsai?
Mine are simple; I start with attaching the 2x2s to the 2x4 frame, and attach the 2x4 frame to a 4x4 post, which is concreted into the ground. They're anywhere from 16" to 28" wide, and around 16" to 24" deep. Here is a shot of a few of them in the wintertime.
I'm guessing no kids or dogs in your backyard...
Actually, 2 young kids and 1 VERY active dog; all well-trained as to the importance of being careful around daddy's trees. This winter storage arrangement was temporary (the temp dropped from a steady 40 to 15 overnight). Normally, I put them under benches and put a fence around them for winter.
That tree on the right is very nice Brian. Excellent work.
... You dont really need tro dig down so far (with the concrete footing) and it is easily moveable...