Misting system for collected trees


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Nipomo, CA
I really want to get a misting system up for collected trees. I was thinking about paying someone to put something up for me. Do you think general landscapers are a good place to start? Any advice? I'm just looking for a smaller unit for a handful of trees.
in my greenhouse i have 2 misting hoses they are flexible and can be positioned any way you want,i just have a hose going to a 1 to 2 splitter,i use it for cooling by placing them in front of the fans like a cheap swamp cooler,it cost me about 35 dollars. just google greenhouse misting and you will find many options,hope this helps
Why don't you go here and create one for yourself:


I bought tubing and sprayers from them that I use when I'm out of town which work very well and are relatively inexpensive. They are very helpful as well to advise on which type of system might fit your needs.
I bought a mist system for $59 from a greenhouse supply company. It was a pvc pipe assembly which went together easily w/ a little pvc cement. It covers about a 6' x 12' area with a very fine mist. I modified it a bit which is easy since parts are common sizes and easily found at Home depot, Lowes, etc.

http://www.littlegreenhouse.com/accessory/mist.shtml (1/2" PVC Cool Mist System - 10 nozzle) another one is here http://www.greenhousemegastore.com/product/do-it-yourself-mist-system.

I 've read the misting nozzles get clogged easily without a water filter, but I leave mine connected to the hose all the time, so no junk gets in there and I don't have a filter. Mine has more than paid for itself due to the decreased loss of trees from the extreme heat and dryness here.
Thanks everyone for the replys. With your help and the help of a couple others, I designed one to mist an area under shade cloth and am getting it up now- it has a timer too. I have successfully collected trees without a misting system, but I misted every couple hours during the day. I think i'm going to have it mist once an hour for 1 minute each time.
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