"The only problem for me is that he uses 20 words to explain something that could have been done with 4, but in the end that over-exaggeration tends to drive the point that he is trying to convey."
I think you just hit the nail on the head for my experiences. It's cool to have a two and a half hour video about a subject, but sometimes there's a balance of talking vs. doing that I feel is weighed too heavily in a certain direction. The content that Bjorn has isn't as robust in terms of quantity I would say, but I have to admit that if you strip away the content disparity, I typically like actually listening to Bjorn talk more, and I've been trying to put my finger on exactly why. Maybe that's it.
I'm tentatively subscribed to both. Bjorn's doesn't have a ton of content yet, but it could be very interesting to start with a program like that and watch it grow as you do. Ryan has a ton of content, but it's often lengthy and, while interesting, at times a littttttle bit long winded, if you will, but it's all good to know. I'm telling myself I'll settle on one or the other by the end of the month, but we'll see.
FWIW, I consider myself functionally a beginner as well. I've read a lot, and I know a lot in theory, and this is my fourth year keeping bonsai, but I know that theory and practical application are two very different things. All that said, I find both services to have value, but if you can only choose one, for the breadth of content alone and unless you like the idea of "starting at the beginning" and following Bjorn along as he builds his offering, Mirai seems to be hard to beat.
Bit of a ramble, but hopefully I got there in the end.