Around Nov of 2019 there was an ad on Craigslist for this JBP and it was really cheap. But I knew the catch was its health though. From the pics, the needles was all yellowy and stuff. I was like, what the heck, lets try and save this thing since the bark was pretty awesome! Once I got there almost 2hrs away, the tree wasn't as yellow looking. It had a pretty bad case of needle cast however. But I went for it anyway since I only have a box store mugo I can afford to lose. The candle was pretty short last year compared to this year. But I think it grew okay.
These where the pics on the ad. He said he had it in that pot and in the ground when he bought the house 20yrs ago.

Whe nthe pot was out the ground, all there was was this one tiny root looking thingy sticking out a drainage hole!
That's a cause for alarm I think. After 20yrs one would think a bunch of roots would have escaped. The bark and lichen are nice though lol

These where the pics on the ad. He said he had it in that pot and in the ground when he bought the house 20yrs ago.

Whe nthe pot was out the ground, all there was was this one tiny root looking thingy sticking out a drainage hole!