I am on his blog mailing list and received an email today discussing an excellent juniper he has been transforming. He says this about needle junipers:
"The training of Japanese Needle Juniper is quite unlike that of scale junipers, such as itoigawa or kishu. For Needle Junipers, the trees are left to run in the spring so that long shoots are everywhere before cutting them off in early summer...all off...down to a few millimeters of the new growth. Carefully orchestrating the cut, one can craft the curved dome of a pad. With this maintenance technique one is able to create very delineated pads with great structure, much like the look of old hinoki and crytomeria pad structure, with the 'fingers' of the shoots rising to a dense cap of foliage. Not fast going, a tree of this density can take much of a day's work, with very sharp scissors in one hand and a tweezer in the other to pull out debris from the inside."
I've been working on some foemina for a few years and have not heard of such extreme pruning. Does anyone have any insight or more detailed information regarding this technique? I was not able to find anything else on his blog.
"The training of Japanese Needle Juniper is quite unlike that of scale junipers, such as itoigawa or kishu. For Needle Junipers, the trees are left to run in the spring so that long shoots are everywhere before cutting them off in early summer...all off...down to a few millimeters of the new growth. Carefully orchestrating the cut, one can craft the curved dome of a pad. With this maintenance technique one is able to create very delineated pads with great structure, much like the look of old hinoki and crytomeria pad structure, with the 'fingers' of the shoots rising to a dense cap of foliage. Not fast going, a tree of this density can take much of a day's work, with very sharp scissors in one hand and a tweezer in the other to pull out debris from the inside."
I've been working on some foemina for a few years and have not heard of such extreme pruning. Does anyone have any insight or more detailed information regarding this technique? I was not able to find anything else on his blog.