Just acquired this wonderful forest. Posting some photos for documentation over time. First pic is as purchased. Second is after some partial defoliation light thinning of the upper canopy to allow light into the interior. lower branches and inside the canopy branches are getting leggy or sparse. Will need to get some health to the lower and inner buds/branches. Forest has not been repotted in at least 6 years from my understanding. Soil looks good and drains very freely tho roots are coming out from drain holes. The forest seemed to be kept very wet based on the moss buildup.. Will be considering wether to repot or not next spring. For now just good watering and fertilizer till fall..
Feeling very fortunate to have this in the garden.. Been looking for nice finished deciduous bonsai ..but did not expect something of this quality to come by my way. Good quality deciduous is somewhat hard to find.. Its quite inspiring to sit and enjoy it.

Feeling very fortunate to have this in the garden.. Been looking for nice finished deciduous bonsai ..but did not expect something of this quality to come by my way. Good quality deciduous is somewhat hard to find.. Its quite inspiring to sit and enjoy it.