Massachusetts/New England Bonsai Clubs


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Eastern Massachusetts
Hello! I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to fall. As I continue to delve further into this wonderful hobby I've found myself wondering how I can go about meeting folks to learn from. My buddy is outside Portland, OR and there seems to be a pretty vibrant community, I'm hoping to find something similar out here on the East coast. Does anyone know of meetups/club meetings in the Eastern MA area?
hey. im in dartmouth/westport MA

bonsai west, new england bonsai i heard are quality, but i dont go to those.
i like the community here, and combined with youtube and general-online theres plenty to suffice for me

also a nice guy from Johnston RI reached out to me recently. im going to get some ginkgo and maples from him this week

welcome to the site and hobby
Hi there...I'm in Worcester, MA. I have not found any clubs in Central MA. I heard there was an active club in the Springfield MA but I'm not sure. I have visited Bonsai West and it is lovely but it is not a club. I have thought about starting one but right now my life is too busy. This is a great site and there do seem to be some New England people that frequent it.
I am in the Malden area. I love NEbonsai. I also don’t know about any clubs so hopefully we can find some.
Yep, Kaikou is meeting this coming Saturday too

I think there's one out near Topsfield as well.

BW is a great place to go too though, lots of knowledge there to gain just by chatting and learning and picking up material, and you can take classes either in a group or 1:1 where you get a lot of learning. It's just, they're for pay and not a "just show up" kind of group.
Yep, Kaikou is meeting this coming Saturday too

I think there's one out near Topsfield as well.

BW is a great place to go too though, lots of knowledge there to gain just by chatting and learning and picking up material, and you can take classes either in a group or 1:1 where you get a lot of learning. It's just, they're for pay and not a "just show up" kind of group.
Oh nice, that one is actually closer to me. I think it's here:
Oh nice, that one is actually closer to me. I think it's here:

So there are two clubs that meet at NEBG, I think that may be the other one. I've heard Kaikou may be the better one and I know John Romano tends to attend and has a wealth of knowledge to share. There's some details here but I think it's a bit looser than this. I never seem to make it to any of these but would like to go more.

If you PM me I can shoot you the email address of someone who can give you more info. This is the one meeting Oct 2:

"A reminder that we will be having our regular club meeting on October 2nd from 2:00 - 4:30. Saturday will be a good time to begin early fall work and start thinking about winter storage. I hope to see you all there. "

The Bonsai Study Group that meets there is the other that I'm aware of, and that's actually meeting Oct 3:

"Our October meeting is next Sunday, October 3rd from 1-4 p.m. at New England Bonsai Gardens. Once again, Jun Imabayashi, Bonsai Master at New England Bonsai Gardens, will be working with the club for the first 2 hours of our meeting. "

So two groups meeting at NEBG this week for you to choose from.
I am part of the Northeast Bonsai club (as linked earlier to Facebook). We meet once a month at the Topsfield Fairground, and will have a display at the Topsfield Fair which starts this weekend, where you can sign up as a new member. Or feel free to email the club president, Joe, at
I am part of the Northeast Bonsai club (as linked earlier to Facebook). We meet once a month at the Topsfield Fairground, and will have a display at the Topsfield Fair which starts this weekend, where you can sign up as a new member. Or feel free to email the club president, Joe, at

Oh then i think this is yet a THIRD group. Another I keep meaning to hit up but Topsfield is a bit of a hike. Must be the one I was mentioning in my bit about BW. I think Joe must be the guy who I've met over there who invited me to attend once.
I think the Kaiku School is less a club and more a two-year course in bonsai. I haven't participated in it, but several members of our club are current students and speak highly of it. Topsfield is a bit out of the way if you aren't already on the north shore, but it's an option. Joe does volunteer at BW and most likely invited you to attend a meeting.
Hi there...I'm in Worcester, MA. I have not found any clubs in Central MA. I heard there was an active club in the Springfield MA but I'm not sure. I have visited Bonsai West and it is lovely but it is not a club. I have thought about starting one but right now my life is too busy. This is a great site and there do seem to be some New England people that frequent it.

I live in the Worcester area too. I would be willing and happy to help form a Bonsai club in our area. As a veteran, I think that the VA in Worcester would let us use a room in their building for a monthly meeting. If not, libraries would be another place to check.

I used to belong to the San Diego Bonsai Club and had many trees. Sadly when I moved to Mass., I had to give them away. I only have two now.

I live in Clinton and my girlfriend (also into bonsai) lives in Worcester.

Calling All Central Massachusetts Bonsai Lovers! Let get it started!


I live in the Worcester area too. I would be willing and happy to help form a Bonsai club in our area. As a veteran, I think that the VA in Worcester would let us use a room in their building for a monthly meeting. If not, libraries would be another place to check.

I used to belong to the San Diego Bonsai Club and had many trees. Sadly when I moved to Mass., I had to give them away. I only have two now.

I live in Clinton and my girlfriend (also into bonsai) lives in Worcester.

Calling All Central Massachusetts Bonsai Lovers! Let get it started!

Why not just join the Kaikou Club described earlier in the post? We have folks from the cape, worcester, rhode island, and metro west. We meet the first Saturday of every month. Our next (August) meeting is a cookout and auction. Later this year Sergio is coming to do a workshop. PM me and I can get your more details.
Why not just join the Kaikou Club described earlier in the post? We have folks from the cape, worcester, rhode island, and metro west. We meet the first Saturday of every month. Our next (August) meeting is a cookout and auction. Later this year Sergio is coming to do a workshop. PM me and I can get your more details.
Does the Kaikou Club still meet? When I looked at the New England Bonsai Gardens' site, they mention a Kaikou School, which I'm considering signing up for, but I would also be interested in a club.

I live in the Worcester area too. I would be willing and happy to help form a Bonsai club in our area. As a veteran, I think that the VA in Worcester would let us use a room in their building for a monthly meeting. If not, libraries would be another place to check.

I used to belong to the San Diego Bonsai Club and had many trees. Sadly when I moved to Mass., I had to give them away. I only have two now.

I live in Clinton and my girlfriend (also into bonsai) lives in Worcester.

Calling All Central Massachusetts Bonsai Lovers! Let get it started!

Did you ever get a group meeting in Worcester? I might have space for people to meet in Millbury if that would be helpful.
Kaikou Study Group - New England Bonsai Gardens. I presume it started to support the school of bonsai under the same name, but it’s now a pretty separate club entity. John Romano is the primary contact there.

Northeast Bonsai Association - Topsfield Fairgrounds. Another local club. Alex Manoogian or maybe Jill Sestini are probably the best contact there.

Pioneer Valley Bonsai Club - Springfield area. Another club. Douglas Taylor or Joe Polaski primary contacts there I think.

There’s also a Hartford CT club but I haven’t done anything with them
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