Maple Bud Question


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Northern Utah
Hi guys,
I have a tatarian (hot wings) maple (similar to amur maple), that I bought from a nursery over the winter. It had 4 large branches coming from the trunk which I reduced to one of the winter. It has started to back bud really well. My question is, should I remove the buds that I won't use? (I think I have a good idea of what I am going to do with this tree). Or should I just let it grow so that it can recover? I did not repot or do any root work. There are 2 or 3 buds coming in many places coming from the same place. At the least should I reduce the number of buds to one per location?

I asked this question in an existing thread on the tree here (, but didn't get any responses so I thought maybe I could find some help in the beginners forum

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With any species, you can 'rub' or pick off a bud you don't want and have minimal effects on the stem it was on.
If you let the bud grow, it will develop a branch collar or the like. Hence, a bump will remain if you prune the branch that will develop, otherwise.

You didn't ask, but you will. Growing new bark over those branch pruning wounds requires foliage above them because the carbohydrate produced by them comes down the tree in the inner bark (phloem). It is largely by the force of gravity. So, those buds below the wounds won't do anything toward 'healing' over the wounds. They may make the trunk below get thicker, though, but at the price that you are going back to the same problem you just tried to fix by lopping off a couple of big branches.. IOW, you might want to just pluck/rub off those buds below the wounds.

btw, I'm not going to repeat this in the other thread.
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