Lorax7 Lilac #1 progression

Hi @Lorax7 , I just found this thread while searching for 'lilac'. How is this tree doing? I just obtained two nice little lilacs on sale from a local nursery and I see we live in the same state. Any tips to share as to when to chop?
Hi @Lorax7 , I just found this thread while searching for 'lilac'. How is this tree doing? I just obtained two nice little lilacs on sale from a local nursery and I see we live in the same state. Any tips to share as to when to chop?
The answer to your first question is it's doing just as well as you see in the most recent set of photos (they were taken this weekend). As far as when to chop, I haven't been very good about tracking what I did to it when, so I don't have much advice regarding timing other than that I generally worked on it around the same time that I did work on my maples. It seems to be fairly hardy.
My collected lilac flowering right now! Not huge flowers but cool to see it with some color!
I like the look of yours/ what variety is yours I like the smaller leaves!


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My collected lilac flowering right now! Not huge flowers but cool to see it with some color!
I like the look of yours/ what variety is yours I like the smaller leaves!
It is a 'Miss Kim' variety.
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