Next spring, I plan to pot this oak in a pot rather than the nursery can where it now resides. There is a local potter that I plan to commission to make a pot. I'm looking for suggestions in both style and color. Any ideas are much appreciated.
Do oaks need deepish pots? A shallow cream oval I think would work for this tree. The bark looks to be fairly light so I think that a light cream glaze would look good.
I would highly recommend Iker Check his site and call him with an idea of what you want. He fires excellent quality pots at a very reasonable price. He has done a few for us and will even fire a few, email you photo's and give you choices. At his prices I find that hard to beat.
I see this tree as on the feminine side, soft,with movement. I think the pot should be oval. I picture the pot as unglazed reddish brown for stronger contrast. I'd like a line in the middle of the pot to suggest it is shallower than it is. Like the future of thise tree.
Maybe a burnished, unglazed feminine round nailhead...or a super shallow, extra wide cream rectangle, rounded lip, cloud feet, with the tree on the far right side. Nice tree!
Erin pottery offers free shipping on orders of 5 or more (at least used to so please check). Both take special orders if you can wait. Last I checked though, Vic at Erin pottery is in so much backlog, he stopped taking special orders until he recovers. Again, better to check.
Both are extremely nice to deal with and communications are very prompt. Sara even talks to you on the phone.