Looking for a Beni Chidori JM in the US


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I'm looking to Buy a Beni Chidori JM, does anyone know where I can find one? I've looked everywhere online and can't find anyone that sells them in the US.

I live in Utah so if anyone knows someone who sells them here that would also help.
New England Bonsai Gardens had some as of the end of June. Not sure there are any left but you could call them.
I bought 1 last weekend, they will mail them, but be warned the pickings are slim - remaining few are very small and they all got some leaf burn in our hot Massachusetts July
this is how it came, but I was pretty sure I could recover it. (probably not my smartest purchase)

I think I have photos of their stock at the time amd can give you a contact email for a staff member that can likely get the order done and shipped to you. PM me if you want me to dig them both up


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