Looking at buying Chinese elm

Agree that leaves are way too big for Chinese elm. Without a close look at the leaves and terminal buds I can't Id accurately but I'd guess some other elm species. Possibly Siberian elm over there.
If it is another elm, you can't really tell from the growth, which points to overworked IMO. Maybe whatever it is.

Tell em to throw in the Lion Picture! And whatever the hell that little Blue thing is!

Did this person say that it was a Chinese elm? If they did, I would be really leery about buying from them.
A good point. If they can't tell a chinese elm from a beech, could be they have nothing to actually sell...I'd ask where they got this tree. Beech are not common in mass market bonsai.
Ask for a photo of the tree with something that you can confirm the date on. For example a newspaper, magazine cover, or Olympics coverage on TV :)

That tree has to be kept outside, and the photo of it is sitting in someone's house. Too many questions - but you may know more about the seller and their bonafides.

Assuming everything is legit, I'd pay $80 for it. The pot is worth $20. Tree is worth more, and was styled by someone who knows bonsai.
Ask for a photo of the tree with something that you can confirm the date on. For example a newspaper, magazine cover, or Olympics coverage on TV :)

That tree has to be kept outside, and the photo of it is sitting in someone's house. Too many questions - but you may know more about the seller and their bonafides.

Assuming everything is legit, I'd pay $80 for it. The pot is worth $20. Tree is worth more, and was styled by someone who knows bonsai.
"something that you can confirm the date on"

Sounds like you're saying the tree is being held hostage? ;-)
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