You mentioned you have to choose, that if you keep the Lonicera nitida, you need to sell either a cork bark Chinese elm or a Japanese maple. Well, if I had to choose, the cork bark elm will develop MUCH quicker than the Lonicera. The elm will trunk up more quickly and develop better ramification more quickly than the honeysuckle. The blooms of honeysuckle are attractive, but it otherwise is a difficult species for bonsai.
If flowers are your motivation, cotoneaster is excellent for shohin and will develop flowers and fruit while quite small. Pyracantha, flowering crab apples - Malus sp & hybrids, even azalea all develop as bonsai more quickly than honeysuckle. The issue is honeysuckle grows fast, but wood is weak, ramification is lost easily. Rampant growth makes it difficult to keep on top of. Twigs die back over winter. Foliage tends to come from clumps of buds all at one node, rather than at every node. And honeysuckle does not bloom easily on very small, shohin size plants. These is the reasons it is not seen often as bonsai. Honeysuckle can make a good bonsai, but generally it is a difficult species to get to the point of being a good bonsai. Same effort put into a cotoneaster, or azalea or a flowering crab apple will pay off much more quickly and at a higher level for blooming bonsai, and for non blooming bonsai, the elm will pay off much quicker.
The Japanese maple is not the easiest of trees to create bonsai with, but once you learn to deal with them, it is well worth the effort.