Given OP's location, I'd guess SOME form of Ebbingei..
Apparently that Elaeagnus has hybridized and exploded In Ireland.
But when they (the botanical/tradesmen community) first started exporting/importing Elaeagnus... They did not realize it's non-native aggression.
So basically, several Elaeagnus are wide-spread, and INVASIVE.
Now from what I gather, Ebbingei is the predominant Silverberry of Ireland...
But no doubt they have Augustifolia and Umbellata, too.
OP's bark is MORE similar to Umbelatta... But STILL possesses something.. "alien" to me... And I am familiar with the other two mentioned.
So my guesses would be.
E. Umbelatta (just regional "type" that I don't see)
E. Ebbingei
OR some local hybridization of the two.
(When I was looking into this, I saw many, variegated, wild Elaeagnus, in images taken from Ireland. That is exceedingly rare, here in North America.. so my money Is on those Ebbingei genes being WILDLY variable. So we may never know FOR SURE.)
OP, have you seen the berries and flowers?
Are there thorns? What do the thorns look like (if present).