Lonicera nitida / box honeysuckle


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Budapest, Hungary
The following honeysuckles were dug out few days ago from a garden where they were not needed anymore. They formed two bushes. One of them fell apart during collection, the other one was separated into two pieces willingly.
They did not come with lots of roots so I hope it is true they can survive almost anything. Fingers crossed!
It's a small one. It has quite decent amount of roots. The big lump on the right is a piece of dead part. I want to reduce it, give it a good shape, dry it and preserve it with glue. This will make a nice little mame if survives.


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The other big one, my favorite. The second and third tallest stumps are dead, but there is a smaller live stump behind them.


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This has some potential too, if pushes some roots to survive.. We'll see.


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Good movement. Nice starting point for a graceful feminime tree. Roots are not bad either, forgot to take pictures


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Any progress on these ??
Thanks for asking, they are doing well it seems. Buds are appearing here and there. Spring is quite cold around here, hope they will explode once the warmth arrives.


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Thanks for asking, they are doing well it seems. Buds are appearing here and there. Spring is quite cold around here, hope they will explode once the warmth arrives.
Didn’t realize where you were located, they look great though. I dug up what I think is a honeysuckle from behind the building I work in. Hoping it does well, they are really invading the property back there and just kept getting cut down. Seems like one giant root system but I found one that seemed to be solo. Nothing crazy but hoping it will be vigorous this summer


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Didn’t realize where you were located, they look great though. I dug up what I think is a honeysuckle from behind the building I work in. Hoping it does well, they are really invading the property back there and just kept getting cut down. Seems like one giant root system but I found one that seemed to be solo. Nothing crazy but hoping it will be vigorous this summer
Are you sure it's a honeysuckle? They have raffia like peeling bark, and leaves around 5mm long. Yours looks more like a privet to me.. But it's hard to tell without a reference for size or a close up picture about a leave. Anyways I hope it will do well!
Are you sure it's a honeysuckle? They have raffia like peeling bark, and leaves around 5mm long. Yours looks more like a privet to me.. But it's hard to tell without a reference for size or a close up picture about a leave. Anyways I hope it will do well!
Could be, hard to tell. Now that everything has more leaves I may try this plant identifier app on it cause there is tons outside my work. Grows like a vine through the ground sending shoots up, I don’t know if privet also does that or not
All of them are developing nicely. They are really fun to work with. There are few spots where shoots would have been cool to have, but nothing showed up, instead there are many shoots from at the base of the plants. I use them for thread grafts. Unfortunately the freakin cats broke off the first two graft attempts, but I replaced them. For the replacement I ran out of adequately long shoots, so I used separate plants' shoots.


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Instead of trenching them in the garden this winter I brought all my polants to the cellar. It was a mistake. The temperatures are moving in a very wide range. Between 15 and -6 Celsius everything is possible... Some of my plants started to bud out in the cellar, but because of the sudden lows I don't dare keep them outside. I keep bringing them back and forth, trying to slow them down, but keeping them from temperatures below -3.
Lonicera #1 was pushing shoots on the top already, so I decided to bring it in, and give it an early spring. I am eagerly wating for the spring, like a child wating for christmas, so it is very nice to have an early bird. #1 is on a relatively cold windowsill and started it's thing pushing everywhere.


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Have a couple of these growing in my back garden, decided to dig one out and see if I can develop it into a bonsai.

I’m pretty new to bonsai, but I was thinking the 3rd picture for the front. It has a nice slanted trunk, and three pretty thick branches. Two of the branches have no leaves currently.

I haven’t done any pruning aside from some tidying up in the branch with leaves. I wasn’t sure if the two leafless branches were dead or just had no leaves due to lack of light. I’ll wait to see if the grow any, if not I’ll saw them off.


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Didn’t realize where you were located, they look great though. I dug up what I think is a honeysuckle from behind the building I work in. Hoping it does well, they are really invading the property back there and just kept getting cut down. Seems like one giant root system but I found one that seemed to be solo. Nothing crazy but hoping it will be vigorous this summer
I think it's autumn olive
Given OP's location, I'd guess SOME form of Ebbingei..

Apparently that Elaeagnus has hybridized and exploded In Ireland.

But when they (the botanical/tradesmen community) first started exporting/importing Elaeagnus... They did not realize it's non-native aggression.

So basically, several Elaeagnus are wide-spread, and INVASIVE.

Now from what I gather, Ebbingei is the predominant Silverberry of Ireland...
But no doubt they have Augustifolia and Umbellata, too.

OP's bark is MORE similar to Umbelatta... But STILL possesses something.. "alien" to me... And I am familiar with the other two mentioned.

So my guesses would be.

E. Umbelatta (just regional "type" that I don't see)

E. Ebbingei

OR some local hybridization of the two.


(When I was looking into this, I saw many, variegated, wild Elaeagnus, in images taken from Ireland. That is exceedingly rare, here in North America.. so my money Is on those Ebbingei genes being WILDLY variable. So we may never know FOR SURE.)

OP, have you seen the berries and flowers?

Are there thorns? What do the thorns look like (if present).
(Elaeagnus is my 2nd or Third favorite tree species. You are ENCOURAGED to dig them in my neck of the swamp/dune/woods)

OP.. your trees are definitely honeysuckle!

I messed up who I was addressing

The specimen shared

That we were discussing is from New Jersey.

So most likely a local Umbellata.
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