Leaf identification

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Bucharest, Romania
Any ideas? :)


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It looks similar to our mulberry. Does it have different shaped leaves on the same tree?
Mulberry is alternate leaf pattern? The leaf petioles here look opposite.
Looks similar to Sorbus intermedia

do you have a photo of the trunk ?
It's very difficult to identify a tree from a single leaf : manys species have similar leaves, but are from a different genus.

Alernate or opposed ? If opposed, it could be from the genus Acer (maple), among others.

The trunk too can help a bit, but some genus have very different bark (see for instance white/black pines, or various Acer palmatum cultivars - about 1,800 of them !). Flowers are the basis of nomenclature, or taxinomy.

For instance all these about 30 seedlings are "Acer" :

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Here is a photo of the trunk, hope it helps.


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My first "go to" is Wikipedia, especially if I have a clue or two. Look up the species suggested on Wikipedia, and see if they are good matches.

Most government websites have forestry pages, they are good places to get information on possible candidates for your species.
I don’t know about the tree in question but I want to see this one! I know what it is and it looks like it’s going to be a big sweet-ass tree!
Oh man, my mulberry doesn't have a leaf on it that is the same shape as the one next to it 😂 never the same number of lobes or symmetry

I only have one small Morus but the leaves are pretty uniform. A guy i occasionally do work for however has a large full size tree and same thing as you. I think leaves become more varied as the tree matures... similar to sassafrass.
Is the leaf structure the same throughout the tree?
My initial guess would be beech.
Birch is also alternate... had to look it up... i have no idea now.
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