lava cinders

Dave E

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found a local source for lava rocks $8 for 2 cu ft bag so i grabbed a couple bags

the rocks range from 1"-3/8" so obviously i have to figure out how to make them smaller.

many of the bigger rocks snap apart in your fingers and pliers break them up even more but it is a slow process.

anyone ever do this and figured out a quick method they wouldn't mind sharing.
i was thinking of getting one of those ground tampers and smashing them
Please don't waste your time. This has been done and re-done. You are lucky, you have a cheap local source for lava. Check this out--they sell 50lb bags at low cost close by.
low cost but what's the shipping cost
Been there done that! :) I did it with a hammer and a sheet. I put lava rocks in sheet and started smashing with hammer. Then sifted for dust and put into a container.
Sounds like something i would do :p I would also try a bag or something to hold it together and smash the 'grouped' stones and ofcourse filter/sift it.
just tryed a youtube idea-used some pipe to make a mortar and pestle sort of thing,it works but is slow going.
tryed smashing the bag with a sledge and it only tore up the bag-which i prety much knew was gonna happen.

had that sheet/hammer idea only i was thinking a towel i think thats what i'm trying next.

thanks for all the suggestions i'm gonna smash up these two bags and unless i find a really fast and efficient way i don't think i'm doing this again.
ok just tryed wrapping with a towel and smashing with a hammer.
my son and i spent a good 15-20 minutes and did about 1/3 of 1 of the bags-now only 5 more of those sessions.
i've been using pumice(drystall) and it's getting low and the only place i was able to find it doesn't seem to be able to get it now.
this is the only thing i can find local.
i can order soil components online but the shipping charges are outrageous.
i can get a $20 bag of drystall for $60 or $30 a gallon for lava or do this.
Ordering it in bulk is the secret. Get a friend, and split a pallet. The last time I did this, it worked out to about $15 for a 50 lb bag, including shipping. Beam Clay will ship you a pallet of lava, but I'm unaware of a east coast source for horticultural pumice.

Any tips on efficiently grinding down the scoria or where they sell in bulk that's broken down to size would be greatly appreciated as well. What I've done is take a large concrete brick and smash large groupings of the rocks together and then sifting to remove dust and large particles--not efficient at all.
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