Large Ficus Willow Leaf


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I got this Willow leaf this summer. The prior owner said he was training it in oak style, which explains what seems to me to be an out of place limb on the right side sticking straight out. I cut the growth way back on the tree to see what I had to work with. Please help w/ suggestions or virts on what to do with this tree. It is very large, in I believe a 28 inch oval pot.
I'd aim to get more of a triangular shape if possible. I made a quick virt. If you let that right branch fill in the middle then it should help. Also trying to get a new leader up top from the left.


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Staying with the twin trunk upright style is a good option.. you may consider the banyon.
It may take some time to grow a larger branch on the left ..


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I got this Willow leaf this summer. The prior owner said he was training it in oak style, which explains what seems to me to be an out of place limb on the right side sticking straight out. I cut the growth way back on the tree to see what I had to work with. Please help w/ suggestions or virts on what to do with this tree. It is very large, in I believe a 28 inch oval pot.

Many styles are possible. Banyan with aerial roots and wide canopy, "live oak style", or more upright like a black willow, you could, with a large investment in wire do a weeping willow. What ever you want.

Question, where are you? In a general way, fill in your location with the nearest city over a million population. Reason is, we tailor advice to your specific climate.

Ficus are usually only styled and pruned during the warm growing season, never in cold weather. If you are in Florida or Southern California or northern Australia, its a good time to work on Ficus. If you are in Minneapolis, might be best to wait until spring.
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